Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Jetzt Geht's Los!

Hallo Menschen!

It's been a while, but have finally rustled up a little ADSL in the flat. I'll keep things more or less German.

Erste up, legendary ICA destroyers, virtuoso powertool wielders, and originally from West Berlin:

Einstürzende Neubauten - Three Thoughts (Devil's Sect)

Zweite, sounds German but was born in Chile, but released a lot of material on Tresor Berlin and Mille Plateaux:

Christian Vogel - We Will Find You

Dritte, some spareness from the ~scape label:

Jan Jelinek - They, Them

Bis bald!


1 comment:

Tom N said...

hey dude - good to have you back - looking forward to checking this teutonism