It just caught my attention that bad boy of the early electronic music scene, Karlheinz Stockhausen shuffled off this mortal coil on Friday. James Brown is possibly his musical antithesis, so you are not going to find any trace of a groove here - not particularly easy listening - but when you think that the following track was done in 1958, it does make you wonder if sonically the boundaries haven't really been pushed since then. I caught a performance of some early stuff and the 5:1 (in 1955!) 'Gesang der Jünglinge'. Awesome stuff; he was there in his white trademark safari suit and I even saw the Aphex Twin in the audience in what I remember was a rather natty jumper ("oh get me another shirt, get me another tie, get me another woolly!").
Here goes:
Kontakte (Side II) - Stockhausen
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