Monday, 29 January 2007

"fartin' on the mic..."

I've followed the career of the terminally unfashionable Herbaliser ever since seeing - or rather "seeing" as I had taken approximately a million mushrooms - them in a small club in Liverpool with Gilbert in 1997. On most of their albums the best tracks are those featuring Jean Grae - or What What as she used to style herself back then - who apart from anything else had a sweet sense of humour. She's the daughter of South African jazzman Abdullah Ibrahim, and if memory serves is a bit of a braniac - studying for a PhD in something or other at Cornell or somewhere . Here are some highlights -

The Herbaliser featuring What What - Mission Improbable

The Herbaliser featuring What What - Hardcore [this one gives me heap big joke]

The Herbaliser featuring Jean Grae - If You Close Your Eyes

PLUS some more killer Renegade Soundwave for anyone whose tickle was pickled by Thistle's post below. Takes the sine-wave bassline to new levels of chest-rattling.

Renegade Soundwave - The Renegade Priest

Renegade Soundwave - The Man Who Wouldn't Let Wax Wane


The Pope Of Dope said...

you were in my dreams last night, lucky boy. We were sitting at the back of the bus and some pikeys nicked your music player after you let them look at it, even tho I told you not to. Then I kicked their arses and got it back, what a good friend. Jonnie 1 Scallys 0

Tom N said...

What you don't know is that I was in league with them - I'd paid them a tenner to let you beat them up. All to boost your self-esteem. What a good friend.