Sunday, 7 January 2007

Halcyon Daze

Nice one chaps - just had a fresh raid for upcoming bus journeys - will get back with thoughts. In return, a couple of back atcha...

First up, back to our old school, with some prime Moving Shadow jungle:

Mr Logic - Cloud 9

Produced by one Gavin Cheung (aka Nookie), an engineer for a lot of Ray Keith tunes.

Going back a little earlier also on Moving Shadow:

Space Cakes - Kaotic Chemistry

North London posse in da place, indeed... Love those stabs. Kaotic Chemistry included Rob Playford on the credits, he of much Goldie production and most famously, Renegade Snares. Was on the bus the other day and a guy had Renegade Snares blaring out of his tinny 'phones. It was most unmistakeable...



Tom N said...

That pad at 2:13 in the Moving Shadow tune makes me feel so spacey.

Thistle said...

ha, ha... I've got that sample. Not sure it wasn't on that first Future Music CD...

Thistle said...

The strings that come in a little later sound well reminiscent of the Yamaha TG-55 which Oliver had...

Tom N said...

and the opening panpipe thingy was well doing the rounds back then

waddaldo said...

I got some funny looks in Sainsbury's.