Friday, 16 February 2007

Celebrity Toon

Hello I am out here, haven't been able to post for a while because my flat mate disappeared with his computer and then I went up north and they don't have computers in Newcaslte. That and have been having trouble getting songs off my ipod, fucking apple.

Here are couple of tracks that I like alot because they are good. Saw the Brand Nubians play this one live in New York, but they were rubbish just going through the motions. What can you do.

Brand Nubians - All For One

Keep trying to post songs I dont have, this one will do.

Arrested Devolpment - Everyday People

My claim to fame this week is that the singer from the Noisettes told me I had nice teeth after I went to their gig. Going out with a dentist is paying off already.

Even better a couple of days later met one of the geeks from Beauty and the Geek, the TV show, in the pub and got him to help me play the quiz machine.

Just ate some cottage cheese that was six weeks past its use by date. Tasted ok better than the fag butt someone had put in my bottle of beer last night.

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