Sunday, 25 February 2007

Just Loco...


Those Brazilian papal offerings made me think of a couple of tracks that turned up on the M.I.A. & Diplo 'Piracy Funds Terrorism' album. John-Boy, what was that music called in Brazil?

No idea where the vocal comes from on this one:

Baile Funk One - M.I.A. & Diplo

This kind of sound made me think in turn of a reggaeton bootleg that my brother sent me from Chile a few years ago. One of those scenes that were endlessly hyped in UK magazines - it is probably still huge in Puerto Rico...

Rather nicely this one keeps the rotor transport vibe going from Senor Nuttando's post:

El Helicoptero - El Chombo

I decided not to post a track called 'El Baile del Chorizo', but following on from the 'Japonesa' track from the previous post, here's some more dodgy Latino Orientalism:

Chinito - Candiman

Ching, ching, indeed...



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